Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 28, 2009

39 week appointment

My blood pressure: 108
His heart beat: 132
Cervix: still 2cm but is now 70% efaced

Went in today instead of tomorrow (tuesday) because I am having contractions about every 15 minutes. Doc says we'll most likely have a baby by Friday.....I said "are you serious, that's four more days of feeling like this!" He gave me the option to be induced on Thursday, apparently the labor and delivery unit is packed thru Wednesday. I opted to wait and see if he comes out...contractions have been coming a little closer every now and then so I'm hoping that he comes A LOT sooner than Friday!!!! I've been very sick feeling, not sleeping well, not eating well, crampy and sore. Pray for good health and safe labor/delivery/recovery for mom/baby, please.


Yes, my child has a Bears jersey and when she wears it, they win!!! She wasn't wearing it for the first half but when I put it on her they changed their minds about losing....and won!!!

We went for a victory playtime at the park after the game. She's trying to run down the slide.

Moving target going down the slide....

Cute Cubs dress that she wore when she was it fits great as a shirt, and you'd never know the difference...thanks Lacy!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kenzie at 14 months

Her newest adventures include:

- popping out several molars at times
- walking around the house saying "no-no"....she even walks up to the doggies when they're playing and says it, so funny.
- says "uh-oh" and "more" and "thank you" (tank-u)
- still wild and crazy and such a little entertainer
- loves to wave and tell EVERYONE hi....i mean everyone!!!
- shares whatever she has and says "thank you" when you give it back
- when i ask to check her diaper she comes over and turns around and waits...then i'll tell her "let's go change your diaper" and she'll run into her room and grab a diaper.
- helps me get her more juice....she gets it off the bottom shelf in the fridge, hands it to me and stands there with the door open and waits for me to hand it back to her, then she puts it back and shuts the fridge cute.
- understands when i ask her to close things
- starting to not like her diaper when she goes potty....wonder if she'll be an early potty trainer!!!
- knows where her belly button and nose are..and yours...working on others too
- understands that when you put your shoes on you're leaving...she immediately waves
- recognizes state farm and when we pull up she says "daddy" and smiles at the building
- says my friend Jenni's name...nenni
- barks at everything
- doing fairly well on using a fork and spoon...she at least understands what she's supposed to be doing
- loves her milk now...even without ovaltine!!!!
- starting to cuddle
- watches parts of sesame street and dances to any music anywhere
- talks to her books and no longer eats them but flips thru them!!!

New friend

Born - 9/21/09 at 3:34pm (1 1/2 weeks overdue)
Weight - 10lbs 1oz and 22 1/2 inches long
Momma and baby are doing great...she delivered him without meds!!!!!

38 weeks

My blood pressure - 126/84
His heartbeat - 130 bmp
Weight - I lost 1 pound
Cervix - 2cm

Feeling crappy and tired. Pressure when I sit and lots of my tums and milk. Sleep is optional at this point, as well as sitting/standing some/laying down some....laying on my back with my feet up is nice though. Ahhh....the joys of pregnancy. One of the nurses asked Chris if he needed a sucker for putting up with my evilness during the response when we left was "heck no"...we go thru 9 months of this and you can put up with my crap when I'm not feeling well....good trade off to me...and he gets no pain from it, except when I beat him during labor :) Keep praying for a safe a healthy delivery, without meds...gonna try.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

37 Week Appointment

Appointment went great!!
His heartbeat - 150bpm
My blood pressure - 112
Gained 4lbs...holy crap...brings the total gain to 21lbs
Cervix is 1cm
Tests from last week were good.
Only negative thing was I found out Dr. Nord is a Cardinals fan! We chatted about them and the Bears...he's a Bears fan so we can keep him :) Pray that I don't go into labor until next week, he's out of town from Saturday to Sunday afternoon for a wedding in Indiana....and that he gets back safely!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I thought I'd pick this watermelon before it went bad or an animal ruined it....haven't cut into it yet so we'll see if it was ready to be picked or not! There's another one getting big, so hopefully in a week or 2 we'll have another melon....and maybe a baby to go with!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

36 weeks

She's always trying to find your belly button...and along with it she'll smack Zach around some.

Feeling fat and tired....
Blood pressure was 120
His heart beat was 142
Gained 3 pounds....don't care who knows that either, I'm pregnant, it's gonna happen!

Winter time?

Showing off her snazy winter coat from her little friend Lauren...woo hoo for not having to buy her a winter coat this year...thanks Launa!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Love

The blanky is becoming replaced by her husky puppy...we call him Cheeto. She attached to him all by herself and now we don't have to haul the comforter sized afghan everywhere....hooray!!!! The blanky stays in the crib for nap and bedtimes....well, usually.

Breakfast in our house

Bowls and spoons are for whimps.....
She decided to dump the bag of cereal on the ground right before dinner time so there's her snack!!! After eating some and crunching some she decided Fred was hungry too. He stayed out of the kitchen like a good doggie so she took it to sweet of her, if only she cleaned it up too!!

Don't worry I just vaccumed :)

Feeding Fred...apparently we don't...