Opening her gift from Ezra....a My Little Pony!!!
Asking Uncle Joel to get it out of the box for her while Ezra is trying to take it :)
Ezra's handing Kenzie the card he made for her....only to try taking it back later....gotta love the little ones!!!!
Singing happy birthday to the soon to be 2 year old!!!
Playing at the park and my twinkie :)
Even cuter....mommy and her babies :) Oh, daddy was at NASCAR with his daddy for his birthday gift he got in december for his i took the kids to see my brothers and their kiddos up north :)
One of the few times Ezra was being nice to Kenzie and giving her a hug and she falls down....this is the action shot! Kenzie's gonna bring boxing gloves next time :)
Chasing the frog....