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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Zach 4 Months

4 months old and sooooo happy and squealy!!!! He only had two shots yesterday and did great :)

These were all so cute I had to post each one....yes, I did leave out a few.

Flash is off for a more real color picture....shows how wiggly he is!!!

4 Month Stats:
Weight: 14lbs 5oz (49%)
Height: 25 3/4 inches (75%)
Head: 16 7/8 inches (75%)
So far he's:
- rolling over from tummy to back
- jumping really well in his door jumper
- standing great in his exersaucer
- reaching and playing with toys
- squealing and talking a lot
- trying to sit up....he does good, only falls to the side, his back control is strong at this point (for his size)....he can sit up without falling forward real fast. he holds onto my pant with one hand and can sit up wonderfully.
- sleeping at least 6-7 hours on a constant basis at night
- starting to like other people....even daddy :)
- loves watching tv....cartoons and sports are his favorites, he smiles at them a lot
- VERY smiley and interactive!!!!!!!!!

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